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June 12-July 27, 2003
daily from 8am - 6pm

General Hospital Vienna (AKH)
Main entrance
Währinger Gürtel 18-20
A-1090 Vienna

PEOPLE'S LIVES visualizes bodily conditions and mental states, presenting them as mutually dependent entities. The show begins with transparent "boxed-in bodies" in the main entrance hall of the AKH, featuring the protagonists in the disciplines of life, illness and death.
This tripartite approach is maintained in the main exhibition room, whereby key paintings identify the individual realms. The mental states are presented metaphorically in a poetic, pictoral language combined with painted human interiors. The cavities of the human body allow insights typically known only to physicians. Paintings of such human conditions are conveyed using subtle coloration with thin oil colors, and the associated interiors realistically represented.
Along a glass wall leading to the terrace, human bodies tumble into foggy depths, representing the shift from the interior to the exterior. They present themselves differently depending on how the light falls on and through the transparent medium.
At issue here is how we emotionally process daily life, the constraints imposed by illness, and the certainty that our lives are finite. The artist has found an impressive approach to this most basic of human reflections.






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